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February is Heart Health Month

Heart Disease is the  No. 1 killer of women in the US.  More than 2, best viagra buy 200 American dies of heart disease every single day.  That’s one death every 39 seconds

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A few things you can do to lower your risk or the risks of a loved one are:

  • Maintain and Healthy Weight
  • Reduce your Anxiety Level
  • Exercise with your Children
  • Quit Smoking
  • Get your Vaccines
  • Get More Sleep
  • Lower your Blood Pressure with Exercise and a Healthy Diet

In an effort to bring awareness to this aggressive disease, why not talk about it with your loved ones.  And while you are at it, you can purchase a pair of Slogger Heart Boots or Shoes this Heart Health month and when you get compliments, talk about how important heart health is.

Sloggers for Life!