Be The First To Hear About The Release of Sloggers Chicken Collection
We are just as excited as you are about our upcoming Chicken Collection.
To be the first to know when they are available for order, use the form below to sign up to be notified.
In the meantime, cialis usa here are the answers to some of your most popular questions regarding our Chicken Collection.
1. When can we order? We are expecting the barn shoes and rain boots will be ready for ordering around April 23rd yet the date may change. The best thing to do is to sign up to receive notification below.
2. Where can we order? Online through our site at
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. What sizes will be available? Women Sizes 6-11, If you are half size, half size insoles are available.
4. What is the price? $32.99 for barn shoes, $39.99 for boots
5. Can we pre-order? No. But sign up below to receive notice when they are available so you are first in line for shipment.