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Beach Hat Time in February?

It is hard to believe how crazy bad the weather is across the nation.  Watching these poor people stuck in ice storms, viagra usa sovaldi snowed in, levitra car accidents, flights delayed…it begins to make you wonder how it is possible that today in California, home of the Slogger, that it’s almost 70 degrees

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.  And for the past few weeks, some days it has been in the 80’s!  Not to rub it in or anything, but you can sport your sun hat at the beach today and wear your Sloggers in the ocean too.  Hard to believe, but it’s true.  Our waterproof shoes are great for the beach.   And our Sun Hats are high quality that will give you great sun protection in the garden and even at the beach. As a matter of fact, this hat has been awarded a rating of UPF 50+ which is the highest sun protection rating available! We have many hats to choose from, so check out a few here and don’t forget to check out our new online store.